Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Quick Immigration Observation

I am listening to Michael Medved, who was I think the only serious conservative talk radio host to back the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam. Mr. Medved is citing a Gallup poll and article in USA Today that Hispanic voters are moving towards the Democrat party. Moving to? They are in the Democrat party.
One of the worst arguments used by Republican proponents of the bill-scam is that if this does not pass, the GOP will lose the Hispanic vote for a generation. Firstly, the Republican party has not in any way, shape or form, been a natural home for Hispanics. Even in the 2004 presidential election, 40% of Hispanics allegedly voted for President Bush. So, what happened down ticket? I for one do not know, we have not had polling data on it. I am afraid that 40% is about the high water mark among Hispanics. The real question is, out of Hispanics, particularly those second generation Americans and more vs. recent Hispanic immigrants illegal and legal, how they vote. I would suspect that is a great divide.
To pass a bad bill that will not really solve the problem of illegal immigration and for the two political parties to woo these potential new voters shows the cynicism of both parties elites. The American people, and I would even suspect some illegal aliens, want border security and national security to be first and foremost. Once that happens, we can revisit how these people can potentially be assimilated into the American fabric.
I will close with this. When Republicans try to be Democrat lite, voters know it and vote almost always for the Democrat. At least the Democrat is honest. Hispanics are not stupid. They will vote for the real deal, not a phony pandering worse than the Democrat for their vote. ANY voter will feel the same way.

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

64, pandering to any group will end up compromising your principles, and that more than anything will cost you votes.